Friday, August 3, 2012

Quote of the day, it's the little things in life

"Then there are the socks. Oh, the socks! They burden me so! I’m half tempted to believe that a great sock nation exists,and that sock-soldiers are on a secret mission to destroy my testimony by driving me crazy. Divide and conquer. That’s what they do! Why can’t socks just behave? Why can’t they ever stay in pairs, and where am I supposed to put the socks that remain unmatched? (Insert dramatic sigh here…)"-Gwen Smith

Monday, February 6, 2012

Can I just say

I love, love, loveeeee this product by Spa Goddess on etsy, it feels heavenly on your skin, absolutely amazing stuff. Buy it here:

Friday, December 2, 2011


Enter to win a free gift by submitting your name and email address to my store . One winner will be drawn randomly every week for the next 4 weeks!!!!! When you email me please make sure you say in the subject that you are entering the drawing, thank you!!!! Below are the things you can win!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Alyssa Andrew Photography

One word descibes this photographer, Talented!
Absolutely gorgeous photos, capturing the beauty in every moment.
Alyssa is the photographer that is currently capturing the soul of my clothing, and little did I know she would truly capture exactly what my clothing represents. She has a perception, an intuition and a true talent for capturing the moment. If you need a photographer, whether it be for a wedding, fashion, or special event, trust Alyssa to do an amazing job, to capture the feeling and again I must say, the beauty of those special moments. Visit her website to see the full extent of her work . She is located in North Hampton, PA, you're lucky people, you Pennsylvanians to have a such a talented artist in your midst!
And now here are some teasers Alyssa sent me from the photo shoot for my clothing! Check back for the rest...

                                           Rose Peplum Skirt
                                             Prim and Proper Navy Blue Sheath Dress

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Knitted things